I wrote a player movement script that makes the player flip left and right with smooth animation using Animator in Unity.
I added a video background and made the angel guide idling using sprites.
I wrote a C# script that displays a chat bubble when the player is close to the angel guide using the tag, box collider, and trigger in Unity.
Making the background fire is moving and looping.
Sound effects were added when the player collected the soul with a serialized field in C#.
The fireball starts dropping after the player collects it, and at the same time, the timer starts counting down.
Using the Mask technique to make this swipe to paint works.
I wrote a C# script to track where the player's mouse cursor is / when the player presses.
Added instructions to let the player know there is an interaction.
I added a game manager script to store player positions before interacting.
Added a script that makes sure press E only works when the player is in the range,
Wrote a script that directly loaded back to the previous scene after the video ended and got the player back to the new position (before interaction).
I added some moving platforms by setting two waypoints for each of them.
Wrote a C# script to make the paper plane "loop", flying from waypoint A to waypoint B and back to waypoint A.
I wrote a C# script to check whether the player is grounded or not to make the player "stick" on the moving platform.
I added global light and spotlights to make the level environment look good.
Wrote a C# script that handles one-way traps that can adjust different timing and speed using waypoints.
Wrote a C# script that cycles player animation smoothly (running, jumping, falling, Dying) by adding all animation states inside a list.
Did a starting screen with unity UI (Buttons, Images, Video).
I Added Hover to let players know which button they are hovering.
I Did a pause menu in-game, with a C# script to check whenever the player presses ESC to trigger and show the pause menu.
I wrote a C# script to stack the player jumping height up.
Wrote another C# script to prevent the player from flying out of the level.
Design the level nicely so there are a lot of different game mechanics and no empty spaces, where players will feel bored.
Make traps that sync with background music by adjusting the sprites in the animator.
Reuse the two-waypoints script and add a trap tag to trigger the player's life to make this trap work.
I scaled it nicely in unity to ensure it was not too hard or impossible for the player to pass through.